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A place where you will find books for your enjoyment.
Enigmas to puzzle over.
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And bountiful information on various subjects.
Recently published is “Bloodstone” a new series that takes place in modern times in the heartland of America. This story is about Kevin a High School Catholic teen who uses Wicca magic as requested by his grandmother. Only to find he made a mistake that could cost him, his life.
Coming soon: A Starflight short to be published through Three Ravens. This anthology will be officially sanctioned by the creators of Starflight, a console-based game.
Following the Starflight anthology will be a quick left turn into Trailer Park territory. Another anthology where the resident redneck saves the day with all their backwoods ingenuity.
Sometime after these anthologies, I will have Bloodstone 2 published “The Wolf Arises”. This book will follow Megan and her search for her mother. Kragnor will go on trial for his crimes by the Akitu High Council. And Kevin will suffer Kragnor’s fate.
In tandem with Bloodstone 2, I am endeavoring to start the trilogy on the Acumen saga. This series will be High Fantasy. I have completed the outlines, now it is a matter of fleshing it out.