Writing is not always sitting down in a chair and typing something out. Sometimes we have to research, and for me, it becomes an educational process.

Albert Einstein - father of modern physics.

While working on a science fiction project for Copper Dog Publishing, an anthology called “Not to Yield”, I had to write about Dark Matter and String Theory. I am not a physicist I don’t know much about these topics. Still, the Anthology demands some kind of knowledge, remedial at least.

So off I go to learn.

In my day job, I work with plenty of smart people. I decided to start there. It turns out that not many laypersons know the workings of dark matter. However, I did discover that string theory is a subcomponent of quantum theory.  I am familiar with quantum theory and decided to use the phenomenon of quantum entanglement in my story. It will involve more “handwavium” than legit science.

After months of research, I have learned dark matter is “something” that can be measured by the shift of gravity over vast distances. But as to what it is made of, seems to be a mystery. Most physicists have ideas of what dark matter could be. Here is a small list: sterile neutrinos, neutralinos, and axions. These things cannot be touched or measured (other than the fluctuation in gravity.) 

edge view of a spiral galaxy

So, for me, dark matter is an enigma.  How do I describe it without writing a massive info dump? Page upon page of dark matter theory would only cause my reader’s eyes to glaze. I have no ability to describe the indescribable or intangible so I decided to work with dark energy instead.

How? Might you ask? Isn’t it also unknown? Absolutely!

I am relying on the fact that everyone knows what energy is. Even if you never held it in your hand. When I write the word energy, you’ve already decided that it is some kind of power, like an electrical charge, lightning bolt, etc. So when I use dark energy to power a dark engine. BAM! Without too much effort or explination the reader can make it from point A to point B without the eye-glazing info dump.

And if my reader wants to know more, they are able to look it up. Most of us have search engines on our phones and use them every day. I don’t want to insult my reader by telling them more than they need, or want.

All stories should be enjoyable.

For writing mythical beasts into a story, please read this post on Gnomes.

Image of spacecraft in a different solar system

Links worthy of further review: